

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus velit ut pretium dapibus. Nam vel metus ut sapien porttitor pellentesque vel nec ipsum. Vivamus dignissim ipsum lorem, eu suscipit odio semper at. Cras non tristique nibh, vel ultricies lacus. Ut rutrum leo a tortor tristique pretium. Etiam eu quam eget justo tempor iaculis. Suspendisse in ligula non mauris...

La Academia Marítima de Holanda selecciona a VSTEP para su Nuevo simulador de aguas interiores.

VSTEP Inland Vessel simulators purchased for state-of-the-art Inland Navigation Center. First center to offer simulator training in accordance with CCNR inland simulator requirements. Harlingen, 30 June 2015 – The Maritieme Academie Holland has selected VSTEP as simulator partner for their new Inland Navigation Center in Harlingen. The deal includes the purchase of a Full Mission Inland Navigation Simulator and three Inland console...

El Centro de Simulación en Käringön (NORUEGA) adquiere simulador NAUTIS.

The Käringön Training Centre in Sweden is a hub for safety training in the region and has purchased a VSTEP NAUTIS maritime simulator for navigational training. The Centre creates nine new jobs in Käringön as further expansion is planned. (Above: Dock with an oil tanker in New York or get yourself to safety when your helicopter crashes in the...

VSTEP junto con la empresa local Poseidon intalan simuladores NAUTIS en FILIPINAS.

Manila, 5 November 2015 – Two of the leading international developers and suppliers of maritime-related educational and operational products, solutions, and services, VSTEP and Poseidon Asia, Inc. (PAI) have forged a strategic alliance to bring the reputed and highly-acclaimed NAUTIS maritime simulators and training apps to the Philippines. Headquartered in Rotterdam in The Netherlands, VSTEP is known in the global maritime arena...